Circle Park News & Resources

Circle Park News & Resources

Mental Health News that Matters to Florence County

News & Resources2022-03-30T14:14:49-04:00

Welcome to the home of mental health news and resources for Florence County.

Circle Park is dedicated to the mission of delivering timely news and resources related to mental health that affects our neighbors in Florence County. If you have a recommended story or event, please contact us here with your suggestion.

Upcoming Events

Our Suggested Videos

Welcome to Circle Park

Prescription Drug Proper Disposal

Don’t be a party

Accidental Overdose

Circle Park Speakers Bureau

Did you know that we have a speakers bureau? Circle Park frequently provides speakers and training for area schools, churches and civic organizations. To request a speaker, please contact us at our main office number at 843-665-9349. Plus, we’re open to your suggestions on how to reach more people in Florence County. You can also make a suggestion for a speaking presentation here.

Circle Park's Florence County Mental Health Speakers Bureau

Family Education Meetings

Family Education provides important information in regards to the most appropriate and effective support family members can provide their loved one’s during their struggle with addiction.

A class is available every Wednesday evening at 5:30pm at MUSC’s (formerly Carolinas Hospital System) Bruce Hall. For more information, call 800-221-8108.


The South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS) is the cabinet-level agency charged with ensuring the provision of quality services to prevent or reduce the negative consequences of substance use and addictions. Download the most recent ADSAP program brochure.

Educational Materials

Circle Park stockpiles brochures, pamphlets, fact sheets and other materials on substance abuse and family therapy issues for distribution to the public free of charge.

If you need mental health educational materials for your school, business, church or organization, please contact us.


SAMHSA (Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration) is a public health agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Its mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.

SC County Agencies

The SC County map includes contact information for agencies and organizations that provide evidence-based trauma-specific treatment.

You are able to click on a county name to see the types of treatment and contact information for trauma-specific providers in that county.

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